Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Conundrum One

A year in advance, and it’s time to analyze some options and make a decision…

The marathon I was starting to eyeball for next July, the San Francisco Marathon, has released its event date, and it falls on Sunday, August 3rd, 2008. Ten days after my 30th birthday.

This, of course, poses a potential problem. I’d sort of “unofficially selected” the San Francisco event since it presented the largest option out of all the July marathon events… and that means it has the potential to be better organized, better attended, and better stocked with fluid stations and such along the way. Plus, more runners would be there, which would help me hide my tears of immense pain amongst a throng of strangers.

The other options felt more like it’d be me, crying alone in a field full of moose. And that’s happened far too many times in my life for my tastes.

I’m kidding.

It’s only happened twice.


So I have to weigh my options again, and determine how badly I want to pull off that part of this year before the actual birthday and whether or not I can give it a 10-day reprieve. I’m leaning right now towards finding a race within the July-to-July timeframe here, but that means my next best bet is probably the Calgary Marathon.

And there are serious moose in Calgary.

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