Sunday, August 05, 2007

Chipping Away

I came to a realization this morning in regards to some potential fall plans I was expecting to come to fruition: I don't think I'll be going to Los Angeles this year to pitch projects.

There are a couple of reasons - some financial, some scheduling-related, and so forth - but the biggest reason is that I haven't worked hard enough this past year on my screenwriting or my film pursuits to warrant that trip. In a weird way, I don't think I earned it, but most importantly, I don't think I'd make the most of it this go-around, whereas I can use that time and that money much more wisely. In fact, all of the plans I'm making now and changes I'm instituting inspire me for next year's trip and to re-double my efforts.

So it looks like a pass for this year, after all.

But wait - all is not lost! Knowing I'm not going in two months has kick-started some inspiration after all... as evidenced by the email I just sent off to my best film agent contact out west, pitching a new project and reinforcing my desire to work with her one day. Hopefully by reaching out I'll have maintained that connection and possibly garnered some interest in a project I've been picking at for a little while now.

I also recently learned that I was apparently a finalist for a From the Heart Productions Writer's Grant I applied for way back when. My script advanced to the top 20% before ultimately bowing out. Damn. Two to four weeks tucked away in a cottage in New Zealand always sounds nice.


It's Sunday, which means I should be holing up in the kitchen this evening for a new recipe. That's the plan with my first-ever lasagna attempt, but I found time this week to break out a spinach souffle-stuffed chicken as well, which, if anything, is keeping with my intention of trying to expand not only what I eat but also how I make it.


If you're going to be in the D.C. area the first weekend in October, make sure you check out the Green Festival at the D.C. Convention Center. There'll be a lot of great tips and exhibits on sustainability and conservation... oh, and I'll be there volunteering, as well.


I think my options are too limited for that big race next year... so San Francisco it is. Come see me on August 3rd of '08. I suppose my watching of the documentary "The Bridge," about those who commit suicide by leaping from the Golden Gate Bridge might have been ill-timed. That, coupled with my ultimate fear of bridges and the recent Minneapolis collapse really strike me as overly coincidental.

F it, who wants pie?

(That above last line is a joke.

I can't even have pie.)

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