Friday, July 27, 2007

And we're off!

She laughed as she folded and stapled the paper.

“Why do you think this is so funny?” I asked.

“I don’t! I think it’s great that you’re doing this. I may have to do the same,” she replied.

She handed me the folded and locked down strip and I quickly scribbled “JULY 2007” on the top.

I had just had a body fat percentage test completed, but I refused to hear the results. I won’t need to know them anyway, until 12 months from now, when I retake the test and compare the Aaron of ’07 with a hopeful new one of ’08.

And thus my Renaissance Year is completely up and running. I’m back in the gym and my diet has improved… gone are the breads and the pastas and the potatoes and sweets. Present are the fruits and actual vegetables and meats.

I’m happy to report that I haven’t set foot in a Starbucks since Monday… despite my co-workers proffering up a gift card for my birthday. The birthday itself was completely unforgettable… with some nice surprises along the way.

Since then I’ve gone and bought some of the new items I need along the way… such as a real, honest-to-god spice rack for my plan to cook a brand-new recipe once a week and expand some culinary abilities. And a tea kettle so I can finally be that guy who gets up on the weekends and reads the paper and drinks tea. Plus I’ve even started my fight against wastefulness, as I’m reducing my power intake by 20% just by unplugging appliances when not in use and avoiding “vampire power.”

You’re probably laughing yourself. But – a year from now… the results will speak for themselves.

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